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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Thoughts for the day 02/10/2017

Yes, I know it is technically 02/11/2017 but this is for stuff I thought about on the 10th so live with it.

Trump has got to be outright lying now about crime

Trump has often enough been corrected on his misleading statements about crime and the state of matters in America that this is no longer a matter of stating a falsehood but simply lying.  This sounds like Trump trying to gain more power despite what the Constitution says and he and his administration don't care how much they lie and violate the Constitution.  He is deliberately misleading about the facts to make things sound much worse than they are.  Crime is still way down from their peak and police officer deaths while on duty are also.  This NBC article, which has credible sources proves how much Trump is lying:


In addition, Trump's inflammatory responses has caused judges to require extra security.  Now, while Trump did not in any way tell his most devoted cult followers to engage in this highly illegal action, his words inspired them.  He has to start realizing that as POTUS, his words carry weight far beyond what he may intend and must learn to dial things down.

Trump and McCain

Trump attacked Senator McCain because he didn't cheerlead the Yemen mission.  He denigrated McCain's military service in Vietnam while he was going through his own "Vietnam" of bedding women and getting deferments for his "sore foot".Trump is a thin-skinned man-child who needs to grow up and learn to take criticism and, most importantly, that he is far from perfect.  In addition, there were those who called McCain and his service dishonorable.  The only dishonorable people are those criticizing McCain.

Ninth Circuit Court's decision

The Ninth Circuit upheld the stay on Trump's EO concerning those 7 Muslim nations.  The decision seems to be solid concerning legal principles and foundations.  Trump may not appeal to the SCOTUS since it is far from guaranteed it will overturn the stay.  Even Patterico on Redstate said the decision was solid.

CT punishing poor people

Connecticut has increased fees for purchasing and retaining a license to own a firearm to a point that poor people will no longer be able to afford to purchase a firearm.  Before anyone says why should the poor waste money on a firearm, I remind you that poorer neighborhoods are generally not as well patrolled by the police, the response time by police is generally longer and quite often their needs are often ignored. Communities with money get disproportionately favorable treatment.  In addition, the right to keep (own) firearms is a constitutionally guaranteed right of the People.  By increasing the fees, CT is saying that some are more equal than others.

More on Nordstrom

Trump and his Nordstrom feud has pushed, if not violated, ethics.  Of course, that really doesn't matter to Trump or his blind followers who said Hillary turning over the Clinton Foundation to Chelsea was insufficient in avoiding conflict of interest.  Yet, Trump not divesting himself of ownership of his businesses and simply turning over management to his sons is fine with those same hypocrites.

And to have Spicer say Nordstrom was motivated sloely by politics and not by a sound business decision just shows how much of a toady lackey he is.  And the same goes for Conway.

Michael Flynn Sr

Looks like he was lying about not talking to the Russian ambassador. Well, looks like Trump meant by draining the swamp was so he could fill it up with his own corruption.

Police body cams

Streiff on Redstate made an excellent point that body cams are an excellent idea.  Police resistance to them is misplaced and will only lead to the public believing the police want to protect bad cops ( a definitively small minority but one that can have an outsized impact).  This in turn will undermine public trust and confidence in police officers.


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