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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Thoughts on the day 02/14/17

I have to say this about the Trump Admin, it constantly provides plenty of fodder for commentary.

Drop the Mike (Flynn)

Sorry but couldn't resist the pun.  Flynn, who lied to Pence, Trump and the American people, has resigned.  It became apparent he lied when he backtracked on his outright denial and it became more of I don't remember, perhaps we did discuss ...".  Thing is, Trump had been warned about Flynn weeks ago but chose to ignore the warning signs.

Joe Cunningham at Redstate reports that Trump fanboi (his phraseology) Mike Cernovich, a member of the alt-right, is expressing disappointment that Trump sought and accepted Flynn's resignation.  He is stating the facts, which are true, are actually Fake News.  Flynn has stated that he was, to at least some degree, in the wrong.  Mike Cernovich needs to get his head out of his tukhes.

The fall out is already starting with congressional investigations being called for.  We know how well those will go based upon a well established track record.

However, Trump is correct in stating that it is disturbing concerning the intelligence leaks surrounding all of this. Streiff at Redstate references Eli Lake, who states it appears that a slow motion coup against Trump seems to be in motion and Flynn is the first significant casualty.  I agree that Lake seems to be on the mark.  The leaks can only be done by those in the intelligence community.  Given the strained state of relations between Trump and the intelligence agencies, mostly due to Trump, it is reasonable to conclude such a thing has a strong possibility of being real.  While I am unabashedly anti-Trump, this is not something I like nor can I condone such an action.  Having unelected government employees trying to determine who should and should not be president is disturbing and possibly frightening.

Intelligence SNAFU and WH leaks

A person at Mar-a-Lago Club got close enough to take a pic of the nuclear football.  This is unsettling, to say the least.

Trump ran a campaign on getting the our intelligence act together and taking better action concerning hacking and cybercrime.  Yet, Trump using an unsecured Android smartphone.  Even congress is asking for access to it to see if anything is on it that shouldn't be.


Add in Trump discussed with Japan's PM Abe on how to respond to North Korea's latest missile test.  Thing is, he discussed this at a dinner with many non-government without security clearance in attendance.  Any of them could have had listening devices that could have eavesdropped in on the conversation.


Trump's immigration EO

Trump is planning to appeal the 9th Circuit Courts decision to maintain the stay on his EO.  He can't simply rewrite the order because that would mean he was wrong and he would be handing the opposition a win.  Trump's ego can't handle that.

Trump's typos

A writer for New York Magazine, one Olivia Nuzzi, feels that Trump's typos are of utmost importance.  This is the type of stuff that gives the mainstream media and the liberal majority of it a bad name.  People like her need to get a grip on reality.

Trump's Executive Orders

USA Today is reporting that the White House is posting wrong versions of Trump's orders on its website.  This raises legit questions about how thorough the Admin has been is drafting the EOs.


Kellyanne Conway

Kellyanne Conway goes on different news shows and says one thing only to be contradicted later, sometimes within an hour after she says something.  Either she is lying or being played for a fool by her boss and being hung out to dry.  If it is the latter, then she should quit.  If it is the former, then she is scum.

I would like to thank Jay Caruso at Redstate for bringing this to our attention.

Trump is easily manipulated

Ben Howe at Redstate has pointed out how easy it is to manipulate Trump.  After a skit on SNL that had Steve Bannon depicted as the Grim Reaper and telling Trump what to do, which he would then obediently do without question, Trump has been reported to be very angry.  So much so that he has put some distance between himself and Bannon. The irony is Trump was being manipulated by SNL into doing what the writers apparently wanted him to do.

"Going after" Trump's children

Tomi Lahren and Sean Hannity, in a massive fit of faux outrage, lashed out against the "liberal media" for allegedly going after Trump's children without reason and doing so in a petty manner.  Thing is, they couldn't be more wrong.  Chelsea Clinton and the Obama daughters were and are minors.  Trump's children, on the other hand, are adults.  Also, the Trump children, especially Ivanka, are involved in the Trump administration and have their father's ear on policy.  Finally, the criticisms have been legit and are not petty.  They need to shut up until they know what they are talking about.


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