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Monday, February 13, 2017

Thoughts from the weekend 02/13/2017

A lot to think about from this past weekend.


The Dems Leftist faction thinks the Democrats aren't far enough to the Left.  That is whacky thinking.  The fact is the majority of the country is not as far to the Left as they are and they need to realize the Dems need to tack more towards the middle.  Hopefully samity will prevail.

The Dems obstructionist strategy, while being condemned by the Repubs, is just doing what the Repubs did for the previous 8 years.  For the Repubs to complain is utter hypocrisy and employment of a double standard.  It didn't hurt the Repubs and it won't hurt the Dems.  If anything, it seems to be firing up their base, which is needed after Hillary's lackluster campaign that was significant in her losing to Trump.

Election fraud

Election commissioner Ellen Weintraub told Trump and his Admin to put up or shut up concerning evidence of election fraud.  If they have evidence, they need to produce and show it to the FEC.  She is spot on.


Border wall

Trump insists he can bring down the cost of the border wall.  He may find that more difficult than he thinks.  There are factors when it comes to government contracts that aren't present in the private sector, such as open bidding.  Trump is famous for squeezing and often cheating contractors but he still experienced cost overruns.  He is not quite the genius he thinks he is.


Russian dossier on Trump

CBS News reported that the dossier Trump has insisted is fake news and lacks merit is gaining credibility with laws enforcement.  While the alleged compromising aspects have yet to be vetted even those who were initially doubters are now taking it seriously.


Checks and balances

Trump and his Admin have a hard time wrapping their head around this concept.  Trump has called the legal system broken because some federal judges had the audacity to do their job and found aspects of his Executive Order to be possibly unconstitutional and ordered a stay.  It is their job to interpret and determine what is constitutional when a matter is brought before them.  They may be wrong but it seems they weren't acting in a political manner.


Flood of refugees

Trump has said that the recent influx of refugees being predominantly from the 7 nations that he tried to ban travel from is a direct result of the stay on his Executive Order.  Well, Trump has never shied away from lying, misleading and misstating facts.  As NBC points out, these refugees had been approved before the EO and now that the stay has been issued, they are coming in.  There is no flood of new refugees or anything of the ilk.


Immigration raids

The recent raids has those on the Left all in an uproar.  Facts are, the Obama Admin had carried many such raids and some of the most recent, if not most or all, were approved under the Obama Admin.  Some people need to calm down.

Ivanka Trump fashion line

Nordstrom was correct in dropping the line.  Sales had declined by 32%.  Now Sears and KMart have dropped the line due to seriously declining sales.  Some are trying to call for a boycott of Nordstrom.  I am going to quote Susan Wright at Redstate:

"Here's my thought: Why weren't you at Nordstrom buying enough of Ivanka's clothing line to keep it in demand?

You can't afford to shop at nordstrom, you say?

then go ahead and boycott.  You apparently weren't a customer anyway, so continuing to not get the business they weren't getting before probably isn't going to hurt them."

Bowling Green Massacre

Kellyanne Conway trying to insist that using the word "massacre" was a slip of the tongue doesn't fly.   She has used it before, twice, in separate interviews.  I guess she has learned from her master that repeating a lie ...


Trump's tax returns

My thanks to Patterico at Redstate for this.  He found out about a 1924 law, invoked successfully in 1974 against Nixon, that could force end up making Trump's tax returns public.  However, with the Repubs in control of the HoR, this is extremely doubtful of ever happening.



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