Home of the Classical Liberal Hour

Listen to "Left Coast Liberty: The Classical Liberal Hour" radio show every Monday evening starting at 8:06 PM--broadcast live on KRXA 540AM. The show can be heard on the Internet by going to the KRXA website www.krxa540.com and clicking on LISTEN NOW in the top right hand corner during the broadcast.

Monday, February 25, 2013

37th Show

Our 37th Show apparently was a good one but I haven't had the opportunity to listen to it.  I had to take my daughter and her friend back to college so Lawrence went solo but he did have a guest.  Listen and tell us what you think:


Monday, February 18, 2013

36th Show

Our 36th Show, we covered a lot of ground.  We covered how overtaxing can actually create crime, a black market for otherwise legal items, foreign policy and other political matters.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

35th Show

Our 35th Show talked mostly about the need to audit the Federal Reserve.  We had a special guest, Tara Wilkins, who has done a lot of research on this topic.  It was a fantastic show:


CA Congress who support Audit the Fed and need to cosponsor HR 24 the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2013.

Joe Baca -D
Howard Berman -D
Brian Bilbray -R
Mary Bono-Mack -R
Ken Calvert -R
John Campbell -R
Jim Costa -D
Jeff Denham -R
David Dreier -R
Sam Farr -D
Bob Filner -D
Elton Gallegly -R
Janice Hahn -D
Wally Herger -R
Mike Honda -D
Duncan Hunter -R is a cosponsor HR 24
Darrell Issa -R
Jerry Lewis -R
Zoe Lofgren -D
Daniel Lungren -R
Kevin McCarthy -R
Tom McClintock -R
Buck McKeon -R
Jerry McNerney -D
Gary Miller -R
Devin Nunes -R
Laura Richardson -D
Dana Rohrabacher -R
Ed Royce -R
Loretta Sanchez -D
Adam Schiff -D
Brad Sherman -D
Jackie Speier -D
Mike Thompson -D
Maxine Waters -D

PS a new congressman Doug LaMalfa -R is a cosponsor of HR 24

The above list was supplied by Tara Wilkins.  You will notice the above list not only crosses party lines, it runs the entire gamut of political philosophies and the spectrum.

Here is a link for you to sign the petition to have the Fed audited:


Monday, February 4, 2013

34th Show

Our 34th show covered the Benghazi hearings with Hillary.  We covered the hypocrisy of the Republicans in this case and ow Paul Ryan and John McCain made really stupid comments.  We also covered the LA Pot Dispensaries in Los Angeles with an update from Ed.  In addition, we covered how the Republicans tried to pull a fast one on gerrymandering in Virginia.

Here is the Link:
