Home of the Classical Liberal Hour

Listen to "Left Coast Liberty: The Classical Liberal Hour" radio show every Monday evening starting at 8:06 PM--broadcast live on KRXA 540AM. The show can be heard on the Internet by going to the KRXA website www.krxa540.com and clicking on LISTEN NOW in the top right hand corner during the broadcast.

Monday, December 17, 2012

29th Show

This show we concentrated mostly on the Fiscal Cliff and taxes and the lack of non-partisanship.


Monday, December 10, 2012

28th Show

We covered everything from local to state to national to international. Check it out.


Monday, December 3, 2012

27 Show

Our 27th show once again covered a variety of topics, from the situation in Gaza to the financial meltdown to the attempted power grab in Egypt.  Give a listen and your feedback:


Monday, November 26, 2012

26th Show

This is our 26th show. Hard to believe it's been half a year already. This show we covered the failings of the welfare programs as to how they are currently constructed and the attacks on the consulate in Libya.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

25th Show

Our 25th show covered the post-election blues and the aftermath of the election.  Of course,there was the mention of Fox News' Megyn Kelly putting Karl Rove (nothing to show for the $300 million+ he spent of other people's money) in his place with one question:


Monday, November 12, 2012

24th Show

Our 24th Show was our pre-election one.  We covered quite a bit of ground, including the coverage of the Libyan "incident".


Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

22nd Show

For our 22nd show, we covered the different California Propositions on the ballot.  Lawrence and Jonathan disagreed over Prop 32 because I felt it infringed on one of my rights and was telling me that I didn't know when I was being coerced while Lawrence liked it because it forced unions to actually get permission and not force a contribution.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

21st Show

For our 21st show, we had 3 guests, Phil, Bob and Tom, who discussed about investing in Gold and Silver as part of an investment portfolio to hedge against inflation.  Extremely interesting stuff.


Monday, October 15, 2012

20th Show

Our 20th Show had a special guest, James Tarantino, who spoke about getting off the grid and forming smaller communities that would be both independent and interdependent.  It was fascinating stuff.


Monday, October 8, 2012

19th Show

Our 19th Show covered some about the Middle East, the USPS, Prop 30 and some other stupid bond funding.  Also, Justin, one of our listeners, emailed:

The USPS had been forced by Congress to pre-fund their pension fully YEARS in advance.  NO company does that ... how can they be expected to survive with that HUGE burden on them?

Since Justin is our first email as a fan, he has one beer waiting for him, our treat, whenever he wants after one of our broadcasts.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

18th Show


Our 18th Show covered the decline of SAT scores and the situation with Iran and Israel.  We had a caller who mistakenly called one of us  Zionist because that person apparently had the "audacity" to present a factually based assessment which was evenhanded and didn't just blast Israel as being entirely in the wrong.  In fact, that person even said Iran had the right to build a nuclear weapon since it was in its own self-interest and if the USA has the right to act in its own self-interest then so does Iran.  Well, you listen to the broadcast and decide for yourself if we have a Zionist as one of the opinion givers.

Monday, September 24, 2012

17th Show


Our 17th show focused on education and the Chicago teachers' strike.  We had two excellent callers, Ben from Salinas and BJ, a former teacher.  The issues really boiled down to centralization, Federal control making school districts no longer local and too much administration.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

16th Show


Our 16th show had Lynette Shaw as our special guest.  She had run the oldest Medical Marijuana clinic in the state and was shut down by what amounted to police state tactics by the Obama Administration.  She had been above board and did everything by the book.  She was even Fairfield's 3rd largest sales tax contributor, was a member in good standing with the local Chamber of Commerce, etc.  This was both an interesting and illuminating show.

Monday, September 10, 2012

15th Show

Our 15th Show covered the DNC and the ACA, among other things.


14th Show

Our 14th Show focused on Salinas politics, with a our guest Michael Scharin (sp?, i forgot to ask how to spell his name) running for a seat on the city council.  We also focused on the Republican National Convention.

here is a link:


Monday, August 27, 2012

13th Show

Our 13th Show covered Representative Akin of Missouri and his "misspeaking" about rape.  He is actually representative of the Right and its call to curtail rights and impose government intrusion. Add in his redefining of rape and you can see how he is not one that truly believes in freedom and liberty.  We also talked about more of the presidential race, the excessive use of the filibuster by the Republicans and the city of Salinas' attempt to increasing the sales tax.

Here is the link:


Monday, August 20, 2012

12th Show

Our 12th show, we talked about Romney's pick up of Paul Ryan for Veep, a man suing the state of Vermont under the 13th Amendment, Gay Rights:

Saturday, July 28, 2012

9th Show

Sorry for the delay.  I had problems with my home internet and uploading the program recording.  But I solved it, I hope.  The show covered Global Warming, the parks department, and we had a special guest, Mary, who provided some excellent commentary.

here is the link for the 9th show:


Remember, you can email us, leave a comment on this blog or call our show on Monday's, between 8:06 and 9 PM, at 831-899-5792.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

8th Show

Our 8th show went well.  We covered the 10th Amendment, self-ownership, spoke with Zach, who just finished serving 2 years in the Israeli Defense Force, had David Henderson speak about the high speed rail, which will suck up oodles of money with nearly the certainty of the sun rising in the East, and the Bill of Rights.

Next week's show will be about Climate Change, as well as other topics to be named later.  If you wish to discuss or have a topic discuss, please email us or leave a comment.

Here is a link to the 8th show:


Saturday, July 14, 2012

7th Show

Sorry for the lateness in posting this. I got distracted by other things and then had to take of a few things.  Any way, here is the link to our 7th show, which did not have any technical difficulties:


Out next show will be about the 10th Amendment, which we didn't really get a chance to talk about but more importantly, we are hoping to be able to interview David Henderson as he will help fill us in on the proposed High Speed Rail.


Friday, July 6, 2012

Topics for our 7th Show

We will be talking about whether or not we have a gangster government, which is something that cuts completely through major party lines.

We will talk about Consent of the Governed.

We will talk about about the 10th Amendment and how both the Left and the Right get it wrong.  The Left because they seem to ignore it too often and the Right because they misquote it.

6th Radio Show

The 6th Show had some technical difficulties at first but with the help of Hal, they were surmounted.  The went well and we had a guest co-host, Eugene, who spoke about the former Seaside City Manager/current Salinas City Manager.  We covered a variety of topics, from the ban on plastic bags in Monterey to the ACA (also known as Obama Care).  Our next show will cover a variety of topics and if there is something you would like to hear discussed, post a comment or email us.

Here is the link to our 6th show:



Wednesday, June 27, 2012

5th Radio Show

Our 5th show went well and at the end, we had a little excitement.  Here is the link:

Lawrence and Hal had a spirited conversation and then the caller after Hal feels we should be off the air or, at best, on a different radio station.  I can speculate as to why this caller doesn't like us, which can range from his political viewpoints differing from ours to just being scared we might actually be right about some things.

For the next show we will pick up where we left off with the plastic bag issue (expect Jonathan and Lawrence to have some difference of opinion but still have a civilized discussion) and the caller who doesn't like the show.  If there is a topic any of you listeners would like to hear discussed, please post a comment or email us.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

4th Radio Show

Our 4th show.  We are now 4 shows old and here is the link to listen to our 4th show:


Next week's show will be about Government Censorship and what ever our special guest host, Bill Meyers, wants to talk about.  Bill is a great guy who is also very intelligent.  I am proud to know him.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

3rd Radio Show

Here is a link to the third radio show:


Our next show will be discussing the Political Spectrum.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

2nd Radio Show

My apologies for posting this late.  My daughter graduated on Friday as co-Valedictorian and we had literally a dozen of my wife's family staying with us. It has been both stressful and busy but I finally have been able to upload the 2nd show's broadcast.  Here is the link:

Wednesday, May 30, 2012